Special 23% Discount Bundle
Pastor T. S. Abraham: A Tribute to a Faithful Servant of God
K. E. Abraham: A Servant of Jesus Christ (Autobiography)

Bundle for $50.00
The Cinderella Challenge by Valson Abraham
I know of no world ministry, strategist, or wise and proven pastor anywhere whose leadership I respect or trust more.
Jack W. Hayford
The Church on the Way

Written from over 44 years of ministry experience, The Cinderella Challenge is the answer to how Christian believers can become better equipped for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Valson Abraham uses analogies from the story of Cinderella to challenge each of us to become more Christ-like through Biblical teaching and lessons learned in his own life.
Each chapter contains calls to action with thought-provoking questions, study aids (“The Urgent Call” sections) and guided prayers. Each copy comes with a free audio download code.
May each person who reads The Cinderella Challenge experience great awakening!
100% of the profits support India Gospel Outreach.
Pastor T. S. Abraham: A Tribute to a Faithful Servant of God

Pastor T.S. Abraham: A Tribute to a Faithful Servant of God briefly traces the lives of Stephen and Mary Abraham, their walk with Jesus Christ and their influence in the lives of others in the words of some of the people they impacted. This book is published in English and Malayalam.
K. E. Abraham: A Servant of Jesus Christ
(Autobiography translated into English from Malayalam)

K.E. Abraham: A Servant of Jesus Christ is K.E Abraham's autobiography, a first hand account of how God worked in his life to start a new gospel movement in India that continues to this day. Starting from nothing, God used him and carried him through many crises to expand His work in India and beyond. This book is published for the first time in English.
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