Shibu's Story
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Photo concealed and name changed for the protection of our student.
Praise God for the hope of the gospel that is raising up new ambassadors for Christ in unlikely circumstances.
Shibu, from West Bengal, lived without hope. His two alcoholic parents fought every day. His father helped with nothing, forcing his mother to lay with strange men to get money for his liquor. Every day, he beat his family and abused Shibu’s sisters.
His mother, who had her own problems, took care of Shibu and his sisters all alone. By age 10, Shibu had seen so many things in his short life, he seriously considered suicide.
In his town is a temple to the Hindu god, Shiva, the god of death. This was Shibu’s deity. Shibu spent much time at the cemetery where Shiva is supposed to dwell, praying for power to deal with his hopeless situation, but Shiva never helped him or talked to him.
One day, when Shibu was about sixteen, a group of Nepali people came to his village to visit homes and distribute tracts and Bibles. Shibu had never heard of the Bible. Curious about their unknown teachings, Shibu took a Bible and began to read it for the first time. Immediately, he felt a strange but welcome peace come over him. This encouraged him to keep reading.
Soon, Shibu discovered a God who carries his burdens and adopted him into His family. When he read John 3:16, he realized no one in the world could possibly love him like Jesus.
God has continued to lift him from his degraded circumstances. As Shibu came in contact with other believers, his heart burned within him to share Jesus Christ with others without hope.
Less than 1 in 100 of the people in his district put their trust in Jesus Christ. Most of the others worship Shiva and other Hindu deities. Like Shibu, they do not get help from their gods. They live with no hope, just belief in the laws of karma from which there is no escape. Such people await to hear that Jesus Christ has removed their sin and the fear of karma.
Today, Shibu is a second-year student at India Bible College and Seminary, preparing to become an evangelist, preacher and teacher among his people. He has no financial or moral support from home. He depends upon the support of a sponsor through India Gospel Outreach to provide his basic needs.
IGO always needs new sponsors for students like Shibu, who have calls to ministry, but for various reasons cannot pay the costs. They trust God to touch those whom God is preparing to pave the way for their ministry and for those who wait for the hope only Jesus can bring.
Perhaps God is calling you to help one or more students or evangelists like Shibu. As you celebrate Jesus’ coming into the world and enter a New Year, you can help by providing $120/month for each student (partial support is welcome). You can help support an evangelist by committing $100-200 a month (depending on location and family situation). We welcome partial support.
Pray God’s provision for each of our students and evangelists.
Pray about your own involvement in their lives and ministries in the New Year just ahead.