Sarath's Story

Friday, May 10, 2024

Written by India Gospel Outreach

Categories: Testimonies

Tags: testimony miracle

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An amazing miracle brought Sarath P. Saji and his family to place their trust in Jesus Christ. This decision completely changed the direction of their lives.

Praise God for the unusual and miraculous ways through which He works to bring men and women into relationship with Him and into His work.

For example, Sarath P. Saji comes from a Hindu family in Kerala, in south India. When he was a child, he was taken to Kottayam Medical College with an unknown illness. There, after a few days of tests, he was diagnosed with a rare and dangerous disease that required immediate surgery. The doctors scheduled surgery for 11am the next morning.

Naturally, his Hindu parents and other family members became alarmed at this bad news. They had turned to their trusted Hindu deities for help and had gotten no response.

Unknown to any of them at this time, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ was kneeling down to pray at his usual hour of prayer. He heard the Spirit of God speak plainly to him: “There is a child at Kottayam Medical College with an urgent condition, scheduled for surgery at 11am tomorrow. Go there before that hour, and I will show you what to do next.”

This man obeyed the Lord’s voice, went to the Medical College, and with Holy Spirit help, he discerned the worried parents in spite of the many people there. Identifying himself and following the Lord’s leading, he told them, “If you are prepared to give your son to Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, He will heal him of this dreaded condition.” Knowing little or nothing about Jesus Christ, Sarath’s desperate Hindu parents placed him in the hands of Jesus.

At that moment, Sarath felt healing come to his body. The amazed doctors confirmed the healing and said that surgery was no longer necessary. From that day, Sarath and his parents knew that Jesus could do what their Hindu deities could not, and they placed their full trust in Jesus Christ.

This experience, never forgotten, changed their lives and ultimately led to Sarath’s call to the gospel ministry and to his enrollment at India Bible College and Seminary this past year to prepare to take the Great Physician to others.

Many students come to IGO training centers with amazing stories like Sarath P. Saji. Many of them come without the financial means to fulfill the calling God has placed upon them. You can help them when you pledge $150 a month for each student. You can help support an evangelist working in an unreached area of India by committing $250 a month (depending on location and family situation).

We welcome your partial support. All students and evangelists need regular prayer support.

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