Pray and Fast to Keep Our Eyes on Jesus

The year 2023 was a trying year for the followers of Jesus Christ in India. This includes those in ministry with India Gospel Outreach. Since the present government gained power in 2014, its leaders have increasingly harassed and tormented Christians. They are determined to crush the gospel through discrimination, intimidation and repression. India faces some of the worst persecution of Christians in the world today.
Most notably in 2023, Christians suffered violence, destruction and death in the state of Manipur. Hundreds of thousands of Christians in that state faced outright attempts at ethnic cleansing. In this, the government has done nothing to protect their rights as citizens. 2023 was a most discouraging year, and at this writing, the persecution continues.
Keeping these things in mind, I have chosen “Eyes On Jesus” as the theme of this year’s prayer and fasting issue of Prayer and Praise as well as the theme for the January centennial convention. This theme comes from Hebrews 12:2—“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” The Book of Hebrews was likely written to Hellenistic Jews who faced times of peril because of their faith. The temptation was strong to compromise, even turn away.
Eloquently, the unknown author of this book exhorts readers not to focus upon circumstances but upon the unique Person of Jesus Christ. The Book of Hebrews and its message remain true for our own day when persecution has taken violent turns.
In that earlier day, the enemies of Christ were more numerous and seemed unbeatable, just as they seem today. Yet those ancient enemies have perished, and Jesus’ kingdom continues to advance. Unrelenting persecutions never last. The enemies of Christ that seem unbeatable today become footnotes of history.
The scriptures tell us that in spite of the opposition, the gospel will be preached to all nations, and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea. The Son of God has already crushed the head of the serpent at the cross, and one day the whole world will wonder at the true impotence of the lying adversary who deceived them so long.
This is why we must keep a true perspective of our times. This is why we must keep our “Eyes On Jesus,” not our present woes.
I invite you to join with me this month to look at various scripture passages in Hebrews and elsewhere that have encouraged and strengthened our spiritual forebears in their fiery trials. I also invite you to pray for IGO’s Bible schools that continue to faithfully enlarge the harvest force to reach growing numbers who still seek for the truth they will find only in Jesus Christ.
T. Valson Abraham
February 1
In His love and desire for relationship, God created each person in His image, a little less than Himself. He created us to reflect His glory and authority in the earth, not become victims of fate (Genesis 1; Psalm 8). Pray that we will live as those who are created in His image, nothing less. Pray for India Bible College and Seminary in Kerala.
February 2
The devil deceived us into surrendering to him our life and the glory God intended for us, but Jesus has come to destroy all the works of the devil, including death (Hebrews 2:14). Pray for Punjab Bible College, Punjab.
February 3
In His infinite wisdom, God anticipated the devil’s opposition and hatred. Nothing catches Him by surprise. Early on, He reveals His plan to destroy the power of the devil through Jesus (Genesis 3:15). Pray that all of Indian society (and all of us) will know His deliverance from all of Satan’s wiles. Pray for Gujarat Bible Training Center, Gujarat.
February 4
Jesus is God’s final word to the world. He totally shares God’s nature and God’s desire to destroy the works of the devil. There is no one like Him (Hebrews 1:1-3). Pray that God will reveal the glory of Christ to India’s believers (and to us) in ways that remove fear of present trials. Pray for Himachal Bible College, Himachal Pradesh.

February 5
Jesus’ human life, death and resurrection have rendered the devil powerless in every way (Hebrews 2:14). Pray that India’s believers (and all of us) will live in the reality of this scriptural truth and not become discouraged at Satan’s attempts to deceive and destroy. Pray for Discipleship Center, Jammu & Kashmir.
February 6
Jesus’ victory over death and the devil has given him full authority in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18). Pray that we who are in Christ will know in our spirits and practice this wonderful fact in our lives and ministries, whatever and wherever our ministries may be. Pray for Karnataka Bible Training Center, Karnataka.
February 7
Jesus has come into the world to serve as prophet, priest and king. He is the Prophet of prophets, Priest of priests and King of kings (Hebrews 1:1-3). Pray that the Holy Spirit will teach God’s people in India (and all of us) what this means for today and tomorrow. Pray for Tamil Nadu Bible Training Center, Tamil Nadu.
February 8
Jesus fully understands our limitations and weaknesses because He was fully human. He was tempted and suffered in every way like us, but without sin (Hebrews 4:15). Pray that all those in India who suffer persecution will confidently trust Jesus who is ready to help them in their suffering because He went through the same kinds of trials and prevailed. Pray for Telangana Bible Training Center, Telangana.

February 9
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is forever perfect and makes us forever inseparable from our Father God. Our relationship with Him is forever settled and off-limits to Satan (Matthew 28:18). Pray for those in India who come from sacrificial religions, that they would realize this radical truth, and that we will get delivered from legalism which only estranges us from our Father. Pray for Odisha Bible Training Center, Odisha.
February 10
As perfect High Priest, Jesus learned perfect obedience from the things He suffered so He is able to perfectly mediate our relationship with the Father for all time and eternity (Hebrews 5). Pray for mature spirits for Indian believers (and us) to know how to apply this truth with power during times of opposition and suffering. Pray for Darjeeling Bible Training Center, West Bengal.
February 11
Jesus is our forerunner, that is, one who leads us through unknown, even dangerous, places. He expects us to trust and not hold back (Hebrews 6:20; Psalm 23). Pray that wherever Jesus leads India’s believers in coming days, they (and we) will follow in faith and trust. Pray for Mizoram Bible College, Mizoram.
February 12
Jesus’ sufferings pave the way for us, bringing glory to our faith even in our sufferings, enabling us to prevail even as He prevailed (Hebrews 2:10). Pray that persecutors will come to faith through the glory of Christ that shines forth in believers they persecute. Pray for Cummings School of Music, Kerala.

February 13
Jesus’ blood and righteousness makes Him the “firstborn of many brethren,” giving us access to the same anointing and authority that is His, which is greater than Satan’s opposition, making us also forerunners in a hostile world (Romans 8:29; 1 John 2:27). Pray that that all of us “in Christ” will awake to this truth put it into practice. Pray for New Hope Counseling Center, Kerala (online counseling available since the COVID pandemic).
February 14
Jesus’ blood and righteousness enables us who are “in” Him to become members of His family and priests (mediators of Christ) to a world still deceived by Satan (1 Peter 2:5-8). Pray that India’s Christians (and we ourselves) will live out our priesthood in practical, powerful and loving ways, and not just be content with churchgoing. Pray for Revive (magazine teaching God’s Word in multiple languages).
February 15
Jesus delegates to us who are “in” Him all that He is and has done. The world groans for us to complete our God-given earthly assignments, not speculate on future events (Romans 8:19-23; Revelation 5:8-10). Pray that all of us “in” Christ, in India and elsewhere, will fulfill our God-given assignments with flying colors. Pray for India Bible College and Seminary, Kerala.
February 16
Jesus is absolutely dependable in every way and in all situations we face, favorable and unfavorable. He is never fickle. His ways and His promises and assignments never change (Hebrews 13:8). Pray that India’s believers (and that we) will give unfailing trust in Jesus during these perilous times. Pray for Punjab Bible College, Punjab.

February 17
Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, is our All-Sufficiency who gives us the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit to become effective mediators of Christ in a hostile world (Hebrews 12:1-2; John 14-17; 1 Corinthians 12; Galatians 5:22-23). Pray that Indian believers (and we) will awaken to all that we have in Christ so that we will join God in bringing His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Pray for Gujarat Bible Training Center, Gujarat.
February 18
Jesus has overcome the power of evil at the cross and can use even persecution and harassment for our good and the salvation of others (John 16:33; Romans 8:28). Pray for God’s blessings and boldness upon His persecuted people in Manipur and elsewhere, to become effective mediators of God’s grace to their many peoples and to their persecutors. Pray for Himachal Bible College, Himachal Pradesh.
February 19
Jesus has made possible our relationship with Him which includes the power to hear His voice and receive His guidance and become more effective mediators of God’s love in our families, schools, workplaces (John 10:10). Pray that believers in India and here at home will learn how to hear the voice of God. Pray for Discipleship Center, Jammu & Kashmir.
February 20
Jesus has made us in His image to work His works and become His partners in bringing His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew Genesis 1; Colossians 1:6). Pray for a deeper understanding on how God wants to work through each of us to grow His kingdom. Pray for Karnataka Bible Training Center, Karnataka.

February 21
We are best able to face persecution and other trials by gaining maturity in our friendship with Jesus because He has proven Himself our triumphant leader (Hebrews 5:11-6:3). Pray for a revived church in India and here at home that moves into true friendship with God. Pray for Tamil Nadu Bible Training Center, Tamil Nadu.
February 22
Jesus has appointed us to be prophets, priests and kings. Learn to think like a prophet, priest and king (Romans 12:1-2). Pray for renewed minds among Christians in India and home that we may have a firm foundation on which to stand against the storms of opposition. Pray for Telangana Bible Training Center, Telangana.
February 23
Do not focus upon past failures but upon who you already are in Christ (Ephesians 1). Pray that the Holy Spirit will awaken us in India and at home to all that Christ has already done on our behalf so we might experience it now. Pray for Odisha Bible Training Center, Odisha.
February 24
Jesus has equipped all of His children to reflect the glory of God in all of life, good and bad (John 17:22; Ephesians 2:7). Pray that India’s persecuted people will so reflect God’s glory that they will put their persecutors to shame. Pray for Darjeeling Bible Training Center, West Bengal.

February 25
Jesus has promised that Satan will not prevail against us when we choose to live in the power and authority He has already given us (Matthew 16:18-20). Pray that Jesus’ people in India and here at home will awaken to His great power and authority He has already generously placed into our hands. Pray for Mizoram Bible College, Mizoram.
February 26
Whatever our present trials, Jesus is King of kings with an unshakable kingdom, Satan is the forever loser, and Jesus means victory for each of us as His family members (Hebrews 12:25-29; Revelation 19:16; 20:10-15; John 17:22). Pray that in our trials, we will reflect the glory of Christ as a witness to all, friend and enemy alike. Pray for Cummings School of Music, Kerala.
February 27
Jesus will restore the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, in every place and in every way imaginable and unimaginable (Habakkuk 2:14). Pray that we as God’s people will have a victory mindset and reject a loser mindset. Pray for New Hope Counseling Center, Kerala (online counseling available since the COVID pandemic).
February 28
With Jesus as our true future and hope, let us gladly choose to obey Him, becoming salt and light, occupying our places of influence in our families, workplaces and communities in Holy Spirit power (Matthew 5:13-16; Luke 19:13). Pray for worldwide dependence upon the power of the Holy Spirit, not just clever church-centered programs. Pray for Revive (magazine teaching God’s Word in multiple languages).
February 29
With Jesus as our true future and hope, let us not just build church buildings but disciple whole peoples and nations, in all of India and beyond (Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20). Pray for a Great Commission mindset among all who name the name of Christ. Pray that IGO Bible training centers will be started in every state and territory of India to accomplish this Great Commission mandate.