Pray and Fast for India to Become Filled with the Glory of God

Friday, January 31, 2025

Written by India Gospel Outreach

Categories: Prayer & Praise

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Prayer is the greatest, least understood power in the world. It all began when God first said, “Let there be…” It continues to this day as God brings His master plan into being.

What is so astonishing is how God bestows His great creative power of the spoken word upon His children. He does this through prayer.

This seems incredible because we know we are sinners—flawed, frail, faithless and foolish. Yet when we entrust our lives to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, we receive His Holy Spirit and develop the mind of Christ. He wants to fill the whole world with His glory—through us.

He wants us to join Him through our prayers to speak that creative word that frees individuals, families and nations to experience and reflect His glory. Our ultimate task as His children is to join Him in our prayers to ensure the fulfillment of Habakkuk’s prophecy that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

Your prayers will make a difference for India’s future and your own life. Join us to help accomplish the spiritual conditions necessary to complete the Great Commission in India and prepare the way for Christ’s Second Coming.

This month, join our prayer focus for India, praying with confidence that God will hear and answer your prayers.

T. Valson Abraham

February 1

Pray for India’s population problem—most ethnically diverse nation on earth with most unreached groups. In 2022, India bypassed China as the nation with the highest population (about 18.1% of the world’s total population according to World Population Review). Pray for the gospel’s penetration to all of India, especially the cities. Pray that God will enable us to plant a dynamic church in every tribal group and ethnic group of India.

February 2

Pray that God will enable India Bible College and Seminary to complete the expanded women’s dormitory by the beginning of the 2025 academic year (in May) from 44 to nearly 200. Pray for Mumbai (Bombay) (population 21.7 million)*, in Maharashtra. The commercial and entertainment capital of India (Bollywood), bigger than Hollywood.

February 3

Pray for God’s provision to train and send triple our present number of evangelists within 10 years. Pray for Delhi (population 33.8 million)*, in north India. Capital of India, center of India’s national government and politics.

February 4

Pray that we will establish training centers for evangelists and church planters in every state of India. Pray for Bangalore (population 14.0 million)*, in Karnataka. Center of a public sector heavy industry—aerospace, space defense and business software. The Silicon Valley of India.

February 5

Pray for a major Hindu leader to commit his life to Christ and become an evangelist and ambassador for Christ as did the apostle Paul. Pray for Hyderabad (population 11.1 million)*, in Telangana. Second leading and growing center for information technology and biotechnology, drawing in many migrant workers from all over India. For centuries, Hindus and Muslims have co-existed peacefully here.

February 6

Pray for a major Muslim leader in India to commit his life to Christ and become an evangelist and ambassador for Christ as did the apostle Paul. Pray for Ahmedabad (population 8.9 million)*, in Gujarat. Political and commercial capital of Gujarat, cultural and commercial heart of west India. Its progress has been marked by natural calamity, political instability and communal violence.

February 7

Pray for a major Sikh leader to commit his life to Christ and become an evangelist and ambassador for Christ as did the apostle Paul. Pray for Chennai (Madras) (population 12.1 million)*, in Tamil Nadu. Considered the Detroit of South Asia with its large automobile industries. Hosts many sports venues and has a large beach.

February 8

Pray that God will help IGO open ministries to the low and high of society—prostitutes to political and cultural leaders. Pray for Kolkata (Calcutta) (population 15.6 million)*, in West Bengal. Considered the cultural capital of India, but filled with deep poverty and urban problems.

February 9

Pray that IGO will have all the resources needed to train and send more evangelists and church planters, to extend the gospel into new places throughout India. Pray for Surat (population 8.3 million)*, in Gujarat. Major port center for textiles and diamonds. Nearly 75% of the world’s diamonds are cut and polished in Surat.

February 10

Pray that God will help us to double and stretch funds during times of inflation/recession. Pray for Pune (population 7.3 million)*, in Maharashtra. A city of colleges and educational institutes. Also a center for the software and IT companies.

February 11

Pray for far-reaching revival in the Indian church at large that leads to an outpouring of prayer and a spiritual awakening in India among Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims in every part of India and among expatriate Indians. Pray for Jaipur (population 4.3 million)*, also known as the Pink City, largest city and capital of the state of Rajasthan.

February 12

Pray that God will raise up a growing number of missionaries from India whom He will send to other nations including the United States. Pray for India’s 65+% of population that is under 35* and 50% under 25.*

February 13

Pray for peace between India and Pakistan after more than seventy years of fighting. Just as Hollywood exerts strong influence over American youth, Bollywood exerts strong influence over Indian youth. Pray for transformation of India’s film and media industry by Christians and Christian values.

February 14

Pray for major move of God in the RSS and other radical Hindu organizations in India leading many to Christ. Pray for God’s provision to establish an India Christian University (ICU) to fulfill the Great Commission in all its social and cultural dimensions.

February 15

Pray that India will find Christian solutions to poverty. ICU’s School of Theology — Already present in India Bible College and Seminary. Pray for additional Ph.D. programs in Theology, Counseling and Missiology. Pray for additional faculty and support of students.

February 16

Pray for an end to the caste system in India and an adoption of the principle that God does not play favorites. ICU’s School of BusinessPray that it will enable Christian men and women to wisely develop God’s resources to provide jobs, services and products to improve people’s lives.


February 17

Pray for growth of Christian cultural and intellectual leadership in every part of Indian society — education, film, art, literature. ICU’s School of Education. Pray for this school to provide a Christian philosophy of education, stressing values, truth reflecting Kingdom values.

February 18

Pray that the people of India will discover the innate dignity of women and children, made in the image of God, as taught in the Bible. ICU’s School of Arts and Entertainment. Pray for this school to enable Christian artists and entertainers to influence culture of India for truth, honor, righteousness, purity, beauty, good repute and excellence in every creative and artistic endeavor.

February 19

Pray for God’s provision of IGO leadership and personnel over next 50-100 years, or until Christ comes again. ICU’s School of Family and Counseling. The health of India as a nation depends upon the health of its families without discrimination according to sex, religion, social class.

February 20

Pray for additional qualified, Spirit-led and committed faculty members at all our training centers. ICU’s School of Government — development of Christian men and women as servants of all peoples’ interests rather than centers of power and self-aggrandizement. Increase morale and prosperity for all through Christian influence upon India’s legislative process.

February 21

Pray that our Bible schools will increase in influence, gathering students and future evangelists not only from India but from all over Asia. ICU’s School of Media and Communication. Pray that this school will develop men and women who will see the media industry as a means to strive for truth rather than an agenda.

February 22

Pray for strong urban Christian ministry centers in India’s major cities that will touch the lives of people of all backgrounds. ICU’s School of NursingPray for this school to meet acute nursing shortages in India and around the world.

February 23

Pray for IGO’s media ministry in India and in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, that it will communicate to every background and to generations both young and old. ICU’s School of Engineering — all over India, there is a great need for hundreds of thousands of good engineers in all fields.

February 24

Pray for Valson Abraham for renewed physical and spiritual anointing as he ministers in India, the U.S. and elsewhere. ICU’s School of Christian Leadership. Pray that this will help meet a need for those who don’t have time/finances to earn a degree but want to practice their professions by Christian values.

February 25

Pray for the ministry of the Bible Society in India — translation and printing of Bibles in various languages. Pray that God will provide encouragement, financial support, spiritual wisdom, Great Commission vision and increased enrollment of spiritually mature men and women at our main training center, India Bible College and Seminary, and to all our other training centers throughout India.

February 26

Pray for God to protect and provide for all our faculty, students and evangelists, and staff both in India and the United States. Pray that God will provide all that is needed to start training centers in every remaining Indian state, to evangelize every people group and plant dynamic churches in every postal code.

February 27

Pray for IGO’s growing children’s ministry in urban schools and slums, that it will prepare future men and women who escape the cycle of poverty and become ambassadors for the gospel. Pray for God’s provision of evangelists and students who experience the pressures of inflation as they care for their families, and conduct their ministries.

February 28

Pray for God’s leading for India Gospel Outreach to purchase its own office building. Pray for God’s provision of additional committed staff for India Gospel Outreach.

*Note: These Indian urban census figures, current to 2024, produced by World Population Review, include populations in suburban areas surrounding and adjacent to India’s major cities.

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