NOW! Gospel Urgency in India

Praise God for the NOW! Project.
A husband and wife, long-time supporters of India Gospel Outreach, have recently given a special gift to help advance and spread the gospel in India. They want to do this through internet, film and TV, gospel literature and personal contacts from evangelists with individuals and families, especially in Nepali-speaking regions, but also throughout India.
This project is known as “NOW!” to emphasize the urgency to spread the gospel at a most opportune time among India’s most opportune people.
At India Gospel Outreach, we see this initiative as the beginning of an effort to involve many others to whom God has given a similar vision.
Right now, the move of the Holy Spirit is most evident among Nepali-speaking peoples. The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Seminary has identified Nepal as the most receptive nation to the gospel.
IGO has a strong ministry among Nepali-speaking people in north West Bengal and east Nepal. This area has proven especially receptive to the gospel over the past ten years. About 40 million people live in the area.
IGO’s training center in Darjeeling opened in 2010, only three years after IGO’s work began there. The graduates are well-trained in person-to-person contact through literature and other means. All of them come from non-Christian backgrounds, now committed to Jesus Christ, called to reach their people for Him. The time is ripe to reach them.
The NOW! Project focuses upon personal outreach of Nepali-speaking people by assigning IGO’s best Nepali speaking evangelists to spend full time in making contacts at home, the workplace, on the streets, etc. Each worker will carry Nepali versions of the Gospel of Mark and a Q&A book known as the “Red Book” which answers basic questions about Christian faith asked by people of other religious backgrounds.
Follow-up will be offered to all who contact numbers, addresses and websites listed in this material. Nepali outreach would reach several million people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The project will also produce 30-minute videos, captioned in different Indian languages, of men and women who testify of their faith in Christ. These people will come from various non-Christian backgrounds. These video testimonies will become useful, not only among Nepali-speaking peoples, but in many other Indian contexts.
The videos will receive promotion through social media, cell phone, word of mouth and distributed through the internet, YouTube, IGO and a 24/7 Christian TV station that airs in most Asian nations including India. The potential numbers of people reached through these videos throughout India are beyond calculation.
The NOW! Project is not limited solely to those who recently initiated the project. We see their generous support as the seed money to enlist others whom God is calling to help IGO use the most up-to-date communication technology to reach those who are most receptive to the gospel. The fruit borne by the NOW! Project will become as great as the faith with which others also invest in the project with the resources that God gives them.
The NOW! Project is in the beginning of its production phase.
- Pray for the successful completion of these videos, with clear presentations of the gospel.
- Pray for the selection of a committed group of evangelists to communicate effectively with many different kinds of people.
- Pray for a powerful work of the Holy Spirit in the minds and hearts of men, women and children of every background.
- Pray that God will move in the hearts of others to invest in the NOW! Project to reach even more people for Christ at an opportune time.