Mesak's Story

Praise God for the ways in which He uses the trials of our lives to awaken us to His power and love, moving us to serve Him and to influence and transform the lives of others.
This summarizes the life of Mesak Vijin Ronald, a Bachelor of Divinity student at India Bible College and Seminary.
Mesak was born and raised in the state of Tamil Nadu, in a Christian family that included his parents, grandparents and a younger sister. From a young age, he went to church and Sunday school, but he showed no particular interest in sharing his faith with anyone. He was not hostile to God, just content to perform his weekly religious practices, thinking that was enough.
When he was a teenager in the 10th grade, he met with a serious accident, narrowly escaping with his life. However, the accident caused him to completely lose his eyesight. The doctors warned him and his parents that the damage was permanent, that he would never see again.
This prognosis terrified Mesak and his parents. His parents began to pray long and daily for God to restore his eyesight. They told Mesak that he must also pray in agreement with them, that he would see. Mesak was not much of a pray-er, but he knew that his parents were right. One night, he prayed for healing until he became exhausted and fell asleep.
The next morning, he awakened from his sleep, opened his eyes—and saw. His eyesight had returned, totally restored. After the gloomy prognosis of his skilled doctors, Mesak knew that God had healed him even when he didn’t feel he deserved it. That healing became the turning point of his life.
However, this experience did not prevent him from completing his secular studies. Over the next few years, he completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree, the Indian equivalent of a Bachelor of Science in Business Management in the US. This involves courses in general business principles, taking courses in accounting, finance, economics, business management, human resources and marketing. The courses took much study, time and expense.
Through his years of study, he never forgot what happened to him that day when God healed his blindness even when he didn’t deserve it. Over time, he realized that God was calling him to other things—to share with others the love that God had shown to him. He could not remove this from his mind, even when he knew he had spent years in preparation for the business world.
He struggled with this, but in the end, he realized that he could do only one thing—give himself completely to whatever Jesus wanted him to do. This moved him to start asking others where he could get the Bible training he needed to follow this new call upon his life. His search led him to a graduate of India Bible College and Seminary.
Today, Mesak Vinjin Ronald is in his first year of study at India Bible College and Seminary. After graduation, he intends to fulfill his calling back in his home state of Tamil Nadu.
Many students come to IGO training centers with amazing stories like Mesak Vijin Ronald. Many of them come without financial resources to fulfill their God-given calling. You can help them when you pledge $75-150/month for each student. You can help support an evangelist working in an unreached area of India by committing $150-250 a month (depending on location and family situation).
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