Kirubakaran's Story

Friday, September 8, 2023

Written by India Gospel Outreach

Categories: Testimonies

Tags: testimony student

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From early childhood, Kirubakaran knew God was calling him to ministry, and he planned his life accordingly.

Praise God when He transforms the spirit of religion into a living relationship that brings heartfelt desire to share Him with others.

Such is the experience of Kirubakaran from Tamil Nadu. He comes from a Christian family, and even before he was born, his parents dedicated him to the Lord for His ministry. From his earliest years, they trained him in spiritual things. Even as a child, he developed a habit of reading his Bible daily and praying at least two hours a day. Twice a week, he helped his father distribute gospel tracts to non-believers.

Early in life, he knew the importance of evangelizing the unsaved, and he knew that was his life’s calling. A Bible verse that has formed his life is Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Kirubakaran’s love of God and His Word and his call to evangelize India’s unreached brought him to India Bible College and Seminary and the Master of Divinity program.

You can help to supply financial needs for one or more students like Kirubakaran through IGO’s sponsorship program. For $60-$120/month, you can help sustain a student committed to preaching the cross of Christ and planting churches where there are no churches at all. You can help support an evangelist working in an unreached area of India for $150-250 a month (depending on location and family situation). Partial support is welcome.

Pray that all IGO students will receive the financial support they need to become the next generation of India’s Christian leaders.

Pray about your own involvement.

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