Jubith's Story
Friday, July 14, 2023
Written by India Gospel Outreach
Categories: Testimonies

Praise God when He transforms the spirit of religion into a living relationship that brings heartfelt desire to share Him with others.
Such is the experience of Jubith Sumethan from Trivandrum district in the state of Kerala. She was born and brought up in a Christian family, regularly attended church meetings, Sunday school, vacation classes, youth groups. She lived a strict life of “dos and don’ts.” For years, she saw all of this as a sign of her Christian life, but it was a pretty drab affair. In reality, she had never met Jesus Christ.
While in high school, Jubith experienced personal problems she regarded as beyond solution. When she saw no hope, she called out to the God she had heard about all her life and did not really know. She was shocked to discover that God actually loved her! Her heart filled with joy she never dreamed possible. Although she had gone to church her whole life, she felt like she was just a beginner. She started reading her Bible voraciously and discovered God as a friend and companion.
She saw the emptiness of other lives around her and became filled with an overwhelming desire to share Jesus Christ with them. That’s when she realized she had a call to ministry and a need to get further training. This brought her to India Bible College and Seminary and admission into the B.Th. program, and later, the M.Div. program.
IGO’s sponsorship program makes it possible for students like Jubith Sumethan to get training for their ministry calling. For $60-$120/month, you can help sustain a student committed to preaching the cross of Christ and planting churches where there are no churches at all. You can help support an evangelist working in an unreached region of India for $150-250 a month (depending on location and family situation). Partial support is welcome.
Pray that all IGO students will receive the financial support they need to become the next generation of India’s Christian leaders. Pray about your own involvement.