Chinithung's Story

Praise God for the many ways He works with us to develop an intimate relationship with Him as His children.
When Chinithung Kikon of Nagaland was in the third grade, a blind man came to speak at his local church. Apparently, this blind man spoke with great eloquence and persuasion, and made an impression on the young boy. As the man spoke, the thought came to Chinithung’s mind—“If this blind man can get up and preach so well, why can’t you, who are perfectly well, also get up and preach like that?” Was that just his own thoughts, he wondered, or the voice of God?
As Chinithung grew up, he gradually forgot that experience. But when he reached the 12th grade and prepared for advanced studies, that voice appeared to speak to him again. Now older, he realized this was not just his own thoughts, but the still small voice of God, reminding him of his call to study, teach and apply the Word of God to the lives of others.
This realization persuaded him to commit his life to do and to go as God led him in the days ahead. He has since received his bachelor of theology and master of divinity degrees at India Bible College and Seminary and is presently working toward his master of theology degree, preparing him for a ministry of pastoral care and counseling among unreached peoples in northeast India.
India has precious few trained Christian counselors. India Bible College is breaking new ground through people like Chinithung Kikon.
Many students come to IGO training centers with special calls on their lives like Chinithung Kikon. You can help them meet their financial needs when you pledge $75-150/month for each student. You can help support an evangelist working in an unreached area of India by committing $150-250 a month (depending on location and family situation). We welcome your partial support. All students and evangelists need regular prayer support.
Pray for God’s provision for each IGO student and evangelist. Pray about your own involvement in their lives and ministries.