Anushya's Story

Praise God for His clear call to join Him in His work of reaching India’s unreached for Christ.
This is what happened to Anushya, a young woman from Tamil Nadu, now a second-year Master of Divinity student at India Bible College and Seminary. She did not just make a professional decision to do Christian religious work, but she received a definite call from God.
Anushya was born into a Hindu family, the youngest of three daughters. At an early age, she lost her father, and was raised by her mother. With no father to earn a living for the family, they struggled to make ends meet.
When Anushya was 10 years old, her older sisters attended a Christian Sunday school class. Curious, her mother went to church the next Sunday, and for the first time, her eyes were opened to Jesus Christ and His great love and power. Exactly one week after this, she got a government job—an unlikely prospect—which she saw as the work of Jesus Christ on her behalf.
From that time, the family got rid of their idols and worshipped only Jesus, but Anushya was not ready to give her life to Christ. For several years, she rebelled against her mother and made trouble for her sisters. It took six years before she gave her life to Christ and developed a close relationship with Him.
In her final year of high school, as she considered her future, she devoted time to prayer and fasting, asking God to show her what He wanted her to do with the rest of her life. As she was reading her Bible, Isaiah 52:7 leaped off the page: “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news…” The name “Madhya Pradesh” came clearly into her mind, and she knew that God was calling her into evangelistic ministry to this large north Indian state.
Soon after this, a pastor, who did not know of this experience, shared a word of knowledge with her, confirming that God was indeed calling her to minister in a north Indian state. With this confirmation, Anushya applied to India Bible College and Seminary at the recommendation of an IBC graduate. Her goal is to follow God’s leading and go to Madhya Pradesh.
Many students like Anushya who enter IGO training centers do not have the financial means to fulfill the calling God has placed upon them. You can help them when you pledge $60-120/month for each student. You can help support an evangelist working in an unreached area of India by committing $100-250 a month (depending on location and family situation). We welcome your partial support. Each student needs regular prayer support.
Pray God’s provision for each IGO student and evangelist. Pray about your own involvement in their lives and ministries.