Christmas Gifts for India
Gifts of Mercy
Learning Kits
USD $10.00 each
Help India's children from the slums get their education with special learning kits—textbooks, pencils, notebooks and New Testaments.

USD $12.00 each
You can provide warm wool blankets to the poor families who cannot afford even the cheapest blankets. Winter nights in North India's urban slums approach freezing. Through this simple service you also open hearts to hear the gospel.
Sewing Machines
USD $200 each
Help to change a family or community for Christ by providing one or more sewing machines. Poor women—single mothers, often deserted by their husbands, and widows—lack skills to earn livings for their families. Women evangelists teach them to sew, greatly increasing family incomes. This opens many women's hearts to hear the gospel because only Christians try to help them. Whole communities have changed through this ministry. Machines are foot or hand operated.
Animals Providing Nutrition

USD $50-1000
You can help to provide animals for poor families to meet nutiritional and economic needs. Depending on the local situations, you may provide goats and/or cows to poor Christian families and help to supply young children with daily fresh milk. Or you may help to provide eggs to feed a poor family by providing them broods of chicks. With care, families quickly multiply the chicks with enough eggs to sell at the market and earn money for essential needs.
Emergency Disaster Relief

USD $100-500
You can provide emergency relief that opens hearts to the gospel. In 2015, two major earthquakes in Nepal destroyed lives and damaged churches left by IGO-trained pastors. In the past, IGO has responded to earthquakes, a tsunami, a cyclone, persecution, helping Christians and non-Christians alike. Your emergency relief gift will build up over time to help us respond immediately with badly needed emergency food, medicine, shelters whenever and wherever the next disaster hits. Instead of being caught off guard, we will send your accumulated funds while raising more to meet the need.
Children's Ministry in Slums

USD $500
Help to provide funds for a permanent facility that will give underprivileged children in the slums a place to learn and receive an introduction to Jesus Christ through their studies. The two-story facility will provide separate classrooms, bathroom facilities for boys and girls, running water, an office for faculty and administrators, storage space, and open space for play. The proposed school building is in the city of Ludhiana, where IGO conducts an extensive ministry to children in the city’s slums.
Gospel Tools
Study Bible or Reference Book
USD $35 each
You can help supply India Bible College graduates with excellent reference and study Bibles to serve them wherever they go. Pastors and evangelists need reference books like a carpenter needs saws and hammers. Most Indian pastors and evangelists lack many basic Bible reference tools that we take for granted.
Evangelistic & Discipleship Literature

USD $100 each
Your gift can help provide good evangelistic and discipleship literature to effectively communicate the gospel to people who have never heard it. Every year, IGO evangelists conduct street meetings, contact homes, visit new places and disciple thousands of new Christians from non-Christian backgrounds.

USD $100 each
You can provide bicycles with dynamo-operated lights, back seat carrier for extra passenger, and basket for gospel literature and Bibles. Most IGO evangelists minister in multiple places. Bicycles provide the cheapest, most flexible transportation.

USD $1000-1200 each; suggested partial gift $200
Help pastors who oversee large territories and travel over mountainous areas where bicycles cannot climb steep grades.

USD $25,000 total for each; suggested partial gift $500
Help our evangelistic teams break new ground for the gospel in unreached areas. In these new places, evangelists may face tough spiritual opposition along with the open hearts. Under these conditions, team ministry is more effective. Vans carry up to 15 people plus evangelistic films, literature and luggage.