Help to make the difference for an Indian evangelist or a Bible college student as they begin work where the gospel has never gone before. Give hope to a child in one of our slum schools.
Student Sponsorship

Sponsor a student for only $120 USD/month (full support) or $60 USD/month (partial support). Receive your student's photo and a biographical sketch. We also give you tips on how to pray for your student's ministry as an evangelist.
M. Div student education costs $125 USD/month for full support.
Sponsor a Student
Evangelist Sponsorship

Sponsor an evangelist for only $150-250 USD/month (full support), or $75-100 USD/month (partial support). You'll receive your evangelist's photo and biographical sketch. We will also give you tips on how to pray for their ministry. Help support your evangelist until they have a supporting church.
Sponsor an Evangelist
Child Sponsorship

For $24 USD/month, you can give hope to a child in one of our slum schools.
Children in our slum schools are taught up to the 5th grade level with a Christian emphasis. Help break the cycle of poverty in a child's life.
Give a child an opportunity to break free from slum life. Give a child an opportunity to learn about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many times, whole families come to know Him through their child.
You will receive a bio on your child and learn how to pray for the children in our program. $24 USD/month provides tuition, books, a uniform and hygiene products for one child.